One Stroke Painting

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One Stroke Painting Basic Course

Teacher: Sharadha
Language: English
Price: 2500/-
Accessibility period: 6 months
Recordings available our Facebook closed group You will learn 25 strokes and 6 finished paintings
Materials Required:
Acrylic sunflower kit 1
Seperate colors:
Sap green/greenery color 100ml
Lemon yellow 100ml
White 100ml
Crimson red 100ml
Chrome yellow small bottle
Mauve small bottle
Magenta small bottle
OHP sheets 2
Fine art brushes: Flat 9,6
Round 8,4,1
Rigger/liner brush 1
Waste cloth, 2 bowls
A4 sheets for practice
Drawing book

One Stroke Painting Advance Course

Teacher: Sharadha
Language: English
Price: 5,000/-
Accessibility period: 6 months
Recordings available our Facebook closed group
You will learn 72 strokes and 8 finished paintings + 1 fabric painting
Materials Required:
Acrylic sunflower kit 1
Seperate colors:
Sap green/greenery color 100ml
Lemon yellow 100ml
White 100ml
Crimson red 100ml
Chrome yellow small bottle
Mauve small bottle
Magenda small bottle
OHP sheets 2
Fine art brushes: Flat 9,6
Round 8,4,1
Rigger/liner brush 1
Waste cloth, 2 bowls
A4 sheets for practice
Drawing book

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